
  • 《禁地》三个英国士兵在醒来后发现自己困在无人区,而更为麻烦的是无人区为德国管辖地界,故事由此展开.
  • Grace, an aspiring model, is thrilled to have fashion photographer Hunter Kelly help launch her career. Bu…
  • After the corrupt former Mayor is killed by the peasants, poor janitor Juan Vargas is appointed new Mayor …
  • 美国建造了最雄伟的水坝,但却也因此成为恐怖份子的基地,成为震惊全国最可怕的危机,美国该如何解决这棘手的问题…
  • 沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得,密集的枪声和巨大的爆炸声撕裂了高档住宅区的宁静。针对西方人的恐怖袭击导致上百人死亡,…
  • <p>  本片不以《圣经》为依据,而是以故事为线索展示心灵内在的信仰冲突。当以色列处于罗马统治下的时候…
  • Two closeted actors on their way to their first high profile awards ceremony fight both expectation and ea…
  •   在即将跨入世界反法西斯战争的时候 ,一名犹太拉比的女儿和一个德国诗人士兵坠入了爱河,但因为战争分离开。…